PUNE: Following the success of the initiative last year, city-based NGOs, Wake Up Pune, Santulan and Deep Griha’s DISHA project, will host Melava+, a matrimonial event for the people living with HIV on August 7. With participants registering from far …
Sarah Boseley, guardian.co.uk, Thursday 14 July 2011 14.34 BST.
Groundbreaking studies suggest tablets could help partners of people with HIV protect themselves - secretly, if necessary
Published: Monday, Jul 18, 2011, 15:20 IST
By Bhagyashree Kulthe | Place: Pune | Agency: DNA
The HIV/AIDS Bill, drafted by Lawyers Collective, a legal and advocacy group, in 2006, is yet to come up for discussion in the parliament. The Bill aims at protecting the rights of HIV positive people and prohibits discrimination. It recognises their right to work and equality. Lawyers Collective, along with other social organisations, had recently held a rally in Pune with the demand of speeding up the process to place the Bill in the parliament. Director of Lawyers Collective, Anand Grover, explained the significance of the Bill to DNA.
Times of India. 13 July 2011.
SHIMLA: For six months, Himachal Pradesh has had no condom in its stocks meant for free distribution among AIDS high-risk groups and for ensuring birth control. So, it is borrowing some from Punjab for the time being.
Officials in the Himachal AIDS Control Society say the state is facing a scarcity of nearly 30 lakh condoms. They said the state has not received its annual share of condoms - usually 35-40 lakh - from the central pool this year.
Health Minister Rajeev Bindal said the state has not received its quota from the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) for the past six months.
The Lancet, Volume 377, Issue 9783, Page 2055, 18 June 2011
Last week saw the conclusion of a landmark event in the recent history of AIDS. The two turning points took place in New York. The visible one was a high-level meeting on AIDS, which brought 3000 participants to the UN to review progress in defeating an epidemic 30 years into its devastating course.
CHENNAI: A quarter century of campaigns in various media has done little to change societal attitude towards AIDS and HIV positive persons in India. People living with HIV lead a life as social rejects, facing stigma and discrimination, struggling for …
Hard pounding is gradually bringing AIDS under control.
IT WAS not quite a birthday present, but it was pretty close. On May 12th the HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN), an international research collaboration, announced that its most important project was being terminated-not because it had failed, but because it had succeeded. The study, led by Myron Cohen of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, had looked at 1,763 couples, most straight, some gay, from Africa, Asia and North and South America, in which one partner but not the other was infected. All were counselled in safe sex, given free condoms and offered regular medical check-ups. In half, the infected partner was also offered anti-retroviral drugs, even though he or she did not show actual symptoms of AIDS and would thus not normally have been treated. Over the course of six years there were 28 cross-infections. Of those, only one was in the group receiving the drugs.